Saturday, August 27, 2005

No Looking Back

Until next time, remember: What doesn't kill you makes me try harder.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Lies They Tell Us

I realize now the future may not be what we hope it to be. The past is so alluring, yet so deadly if we dawdle, pausing too long to reflect. The present, of course, has never been worse, and possibly may not get better. Thus we have only our imaginations left to hold onto, for only in other worlds may we find peace.
But if you really think about it, if you could actually live in one of those other universes, would it really be better? We always long for different circumstances, in the false belief that they would somehow be better than our own. But they're not. Just be happy with what you have. You won't be getting anything else.


Random Tidbit from my Notebook:
No matter what you say I will not let you go.
No matter what you say I will not turn from you.
No matter what you say my love for you won't fade.
No matter what you say my love is no charade.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Sounds of Life

I finished another piece of music, and it's ready to be heard by those people who care! It's another piano piece, entitled "Dead Men's March", and it's shorter than "Tears". Click away to my website to download it. The link is at the top, as always.
Until next time, remember: If you don't listen, then you won't hear.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Back Online

It seems Evil-Dog has his site back up, but under a new name. You can see his work at
Until next time, remember: You can influence people you don't know just as easily as those you do.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Since school doesn't start for a few weeks, I'm just hanging out at home doing random things. I managed to finish one piece of music, and I posted it and a previous song I hadn't posted before on my website. The link (to my site) is at the top if you want to hear them.
Nothing else to add today.
Until next time, remember: Boredom is simply life's way of telling you that you need to get a life.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Good Feeling

So I have returned from my "vacation" (actually a six-week summer program), and now that I've had time to sort my thoughts, I can post here again.
My life is filled with regret and unhappiness. I was alone for a large part of it, and I believed that I would always be alone, that I was fated to be this way. I never considered change really possible, and I used the phrase "Nothing ever changes" quite often.
But change occurred just a few weeks ago. I found someone with whom I find I don't feel sad. She gives me reason to be happy. I never thought I could feel happy like this. But what a feeling it is!
I've shown this girl a large part of myself that I'm not proud of. And she hasn't abandoned me for it. She hasn't condemned me for it. No, she sticks by me, and I feel happy. I would not trade that feeling for anything.
We had to part when the program ended, and of course I already miss her.
My notes in the notebook I carry around with me have noticeably changed. Fewer and fewer are melancholy, and many now deal with better things. Here's one saying that I must now live by:
Live each day as if you would see her tomorrow.
Live your life as though you never had to leave.
Until next time, remember: Never doubt the impossible.

Friday, August 05, 2005

The End is Closer

Well, it's been just about five weeks so far here, and so there's one left. It feels like I've been here forever, yet no time at all.
I'm busy most of the time, so that's why I've only been able to post once here. But it's a lot of fun, still.
I brought my some of my writing, programming, and music here, though I haven't been able to work on the programming at all. I did a little bit on the writing, but since I don't have all my notes, I felt kinda lost when I tried to continue. I made one change in the music, though I still haven't been able to play it, though I really want to.
But I'm happy here. I've made friends, whom I'm going to miss (but still keep in touch, of course). And, of course, leaving here means going back to school. Which means I have to do my homework.
But at home, I can certainly continue my work much better. Maybe I'll even finish. Who knows? It remains to be seen.
Until next time, remember: Progress cannot be made without an attempt to find a solution.