Saturday, October 22, 2005


If you noticed my last post has no option for's because several people chose to use the comment space as spam receptacles! I can't believe it! That was weird.

Anyway, for those of you paying attention, I've recently finished another piano song, called "My Ghost". It's uploaded on my site if you wanna listen. Currently I'm working on a string piece. No title yet.

No programming has been done. Many things have been sacrificed in my mad rush to apply for colleges. I'm applying early to Harvard. All that I have left is the common app's essay. We'll see how that turns out...

I have found time to continue writing my main novel. I'm actually making more progress than I have for many months. I've found it actually harder to sit at a computer and write the story, since I have so many handwritten notes, and on paper I write whatever is in my mind, but on the computer it's sorta organized (in order), and I'm often at a loss as to what should happen next, or if I have enough for this chapter.

There's plenty of other stuff I need to do this year. I guess my work will never end.

Until next time, remember: Be like the machine, unrelenting and without remorse, as you complete your task.


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