Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Evolution, Shmevolution

All over the Southern states, parents are protesting science textbooks that give evolution as the origin of man.
�God created Earth and man in his image,� said Patricia Fuller. �Leave this garbage out of the textbooks. I don�t want anybody taking care of me in a nursing home some day to think I came from a monkey.� (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 29, 2002)
They are going to put notes in the textbooks that caution students that "evolution is only a theory."
That made me laugh.
Now, if I'm not mistaken, the definition of scientific theory is something first hypothesized, then over several hundred years, verified experimentally and never disproved. When it is generally accepted as "true", it becomes theory, which is essentially fact in the science community.
Yep. All I can say to those people is this: You're right. You didn't evolve from monkeys; you still are monkeys. You're that primitive. You're that stupid. Congratulations.
Until next time, remember: It's not their fault they're stupid. It's your fault that you're smarter than they are.

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