Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Double Standard?

The United States is building a fence on the US-Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration. But wasn't the US (still under GW Bush) among the voices condemning Israel for planning to build a fence on the border of the West Bank to prevent the immigration of Palestinian suicide bombers? I don't think the Mexicans want to kill themselves once they get here. Is it better to build a wall to prevent people from living in your country, or to build a wall to prevent people from killing people who live in your country? Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Recently, Iraqi terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by American forces. He was a terrorist, so what did he do for a living? Planted bombs to kill people. How did he die? He was bombed. An atrocity such as bombing one would think is something a terrorist would do, right? Then why did we do it? To kill al-Zarqawi? And look at us now. al-Zarqawi is dead, and many Americans are rejoicing (just look at some of the media news), calling his killers heroes, just as the terrorists would if one of their bombs took out our president. Why is it okay to bomb them in order to kill them, but not okay for them to bomb us to kill us? Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Iran should not be permitted to have nuclear weapons, but the US can keep their nuclear weapons.

China is horrible for hiding its history from its people, but it's alright for the US to hide facts about Iraq from the people.

Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Until next time, remember: On every side of every war stands God...or so that side claims.


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