Sunday, January 09, 2005

A New Story

This morning I woke up with a great idea for a short story, but it was about 6:30, so I wanted to go back to sleep. I was afraid I'd forget the idea, but if I got up to write it I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

I lay in bed for a while, thinking about the story, and since I wasn't going to sleep, I sat up (it was about 6:50 at that point), and I began writing it. I finished it at about 9:00.

I've still got some editing to do on it before I can submit it for publication somewhere (maybe I'll have it copyrighted first...), but still...I actually finished something!

I like it so much that maybe I'll translate it to Italian and read it for my skit. The only problem is the names in the story. Some of them are the same as people in my class, and I might feel uncomfortable saying those names. (I'm afraid they might think that I'm talking about them.) I suppose if I don't get a clear answer anytime soon, I'll just have to flip a coin.

I did get some work done on the Chess AI, but it's a long way from finished. At least it's in motion.

Well, that's all for now.

Until next time, May your goals be within reach.


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