Saturday, March 10, 2007

If Anybody Knows...

I recently got into reading certain webcomics and I bookmarked 4 of them so I could read them: Questionable Content, xkcd, Wondermark, and indexed. I found a couple other interesting ones that I read, such as Copper and PvP. But there was one that I really liked, and I can't remember the name nor can I find it anymore. The story is set far in the future, humans are extinct, and all that's left are the robots we built. Two construction robots build their replacements on Mercury, and leave to travel. They have some sort of illegal modification that makes them more human philosophically. At some point, one of them floats in space for many years. If you know what I'm talking about, please tell me! I want to continue reading this comic!

Until next time, remember: Sometimes helping another is a simple thing to do.
