Monday, February 21, 2005

What a Day[s]

It says I haven't posted since last week...I thought I did...

Anyway, no progress on Chess since last time. I have instead been working on the card project I was telling about before (and is mentioned on my home site, which I'm sure none of you have seen yet (click the link at the top (What? You're lazy? Fine. Here's another link. ))).

I finished my Italian skit, and just in time; it's due tomorrow. My topic? (Did I already tell you this?) Well, I was having such a hard time coming up with an idea that I did a skit on that. In my skit, I'm an Italian student who can't come up with an idea for his Italian skit, until he gets an idea to do a skit based on an Italian student who can't come up with an idea for his Italian skit, until he gets an idea to do a skit based on an Italian student who can't come up with an idea for his Italian skit, until he gets an idea to do a skit based on an Italian student....etc....infinitely...

Sounds like fun, huh? The best part is: I only have to film each scene once! and I just record it multiple times on the VHS tape I have to submit it on.

And I've finally arrived at a decision to not attend SIG this year as I have done for the past 4 years. For those of you who knew me at SIG and somehow found this site and figured out who I am, sorry I won't see you again this summer. :P

Nothing else happening.

Until next time, remember: If you wait until the last minute on a big project, you'd better hope it's a looooooooooooonnnnnnnng minute.


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