Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I know it's been awhile since my site's been updated. Relax. An update is coming soon. I've been working on it, but I haven't had much time since the summer ended.

Until next time, remember: Change is in your hands.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Right vs. Left

Here's something to think about:

Democrats believe that the opposite of the right is the left.
Republicans believe that the opposite of the right is the wrong.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Clock Tower released

My newest song called "Clock Tower" was released this past Friday on my homepage. Go check it out!

Until next time, remember: Time ticks ever tockward.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Double Standard?

The United States is building a fence on the US-Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration. But wasn't the US (still under GW Bush) among the voices condemning Israel for planning to build a fence on the border of the West Bank to prevent the immigration of Palestinian suicide bombers? I don't think the Mexicans want to kill themselves once they get here. Is it better to build a wall to prevent people from living in your country, or to build a wall to prevent people from killing people who live in your country? Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Recently, Iraqi terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by American forces. He was a terrorist, so what did he do for a living? Planted bombs to kill people. How did he die? He was bombed. An atrocity such as bombing one would think is something a terrorist would do, right? Then why did we do it? To kill al-Zarqawi? And look at us now. al-Zarqawi is dead, and many Americans are rejoicing (just look at some of the media news), calling his killers heroes, just as the terrorists would if one of their bombs took out our president. Why is it okay to bomb them in order to kill them, but not okay for them to bomb us to kill us? Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Iran should not be permitted to have nuclear weapons, but the US can keep their nuclear weapons.

China is horrible for hiding its history from its people, but it's alright for the US to hide facts about Iraq from the people.

Why does the US have a double standard with regard to itself?

Until next time, remember: On every side of every war stands God...or so that side claims.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Video made using TDM's "My Ghost"

So today I got a long email from a person I didn't recognize. At first I thought it was spam, and gmail didn't catch it, but the topic wasn't like normal spam so I opened it. I wasn't certain it wasn't spam until I saw he said that he had used "My Ghost" in a video he posted online! I was stunned! "Wow!" I mean, who would imagine that someone would take such an interest in my music that they would use it somewhere?

But then I watched the video. It was cool at first to hear my song, but overall the video was deeply disturbing. I was disturbed more at the content of the conspiracy video than at what it was saying was going on in politics today.

But I did like that my music is getting out there. So, as any major company would do, I posted a disclaimer to protect my reputation (I don't want people thinking that I made the song in conjunction with the video, that I believe what they say in it). I'm not going to post a link to it, but if you find it, you find it.

If my music is featured in a video I like, then that would be even better. I'm excited to see where else my music will appear.

I'm going to go back to work on "Clock Tower" for now.

Until next time, remember: Don't judge others based on yourself.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Shade

I've finally finished the song entitled, "My Shadow". It's a piano piece similar to "My Ghost", as in it uses the pedal. You might be able to find other similarities, but the song is very different in some other respects. Enjoy!

Click the link at the top to get to my home page and download the song.

Until next time, remember: You can always count on your shadow to stand beside you.


Friday, April 14, 2006

Tick Tock

I've just recently gotten a great idea for a piece that sounds like a clock. I started work on it a couple of days ago, and it really works! It'll sound great when it's finished! I'm going to call it "Clock Tower".

I'm still lapsing in programming, for the most part, but my writing is moving along. Pretty much it doesn't seem like I've had enough time to do everything. Mostly music and writing, and schoolwork. Perhaps during the summer I'll have more time to finish up all these loose ends. I have a piano piece (not Clock Tower) that I might work on and finish first, since I started it who knows how long ago.

If you're going to the Dissension prerelease on Sunday April 23rd, you may see me there playing Two-Headed Giant with one of my friends. I won't tell you where, though, for anonymity purposes.

That's all for now. See ya round.

Until next time, remember: Tie down your loose ends.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Run, Death, Run!

My newest song, a melancholy piece by the name of "Chasing Death", is now available at my homepage. Link is at the top! Check it out!

Until next time, remember: Is Death chasing us, or are we chasing Death?


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Evolution, Shmevolution

All over the Southern states, parents are protesting science textbooks that give evolution as the origin of man.
�God created Earth and man in his image,� said Patricia Fuller. �Leave this garbage out of the textbooks. I don�t want anybody taking care of me in a nursing home some day to think I came from a monkey.� (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 29, 2002)
They are going to put notes in the textbooks that caution students that "evolution is only a theory."
That made me laugh.
Now, if I'm not mistaken, the definition of scientific theory is something first hypothesized, then over several hundred years, verified experimentally and never disproved. When it is generally accepted as "true", it becomes theory, which is essentially fact in the science community.
Yep. All I can say to those people is this: You're right. You didn't evolve from monkeys; you still are monkeys. You're that primitive. You're that stupid. Congratulations.
Until next time, remember: It's not their fault they're stupid. It's your fault that you're smarter than they are.