Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Well, the holiday is coming. It's reflected in every person I see in school. Plus the "last ___ of the year" crap people were saying every 5 minutes today. Well guess what people?

It doesn't f***ing matter!

Here's the way I see it: The period of time between Dec. 31 @ 11:59 PM and Jan. 1 @ 12:00 AM is the same amount of time between July 3 @ 10:27 AM and July 3 @ 10:28 AM. But you don't see people celebrating the new year on July 3 at 10:28 in the morning, do you?

The new year is not a significant event! There is no difference between the change in 12/31 and 1/1 except the year number, which is primarily for recording purposes! One person I told that I don't believe in New Year's today said, "Would you celebrate birthdays, then?"

Birthdays are significant events because that was the time however many years ago that you were born. However, the Earth was not born on January 1. The human god you Christians bow down to was also not born on January 1. (so why don't you celebrate the new year on Dec 25, huh?) [Now, for someone born on Jan. 1, fine, celebrate, but unless I know you, I don't give a rat's ass.]

And if we actually wanted to place New Year's on an important date, why not at the beginning of spring? And why does the school year start in September? (Ironically, that's when the Jewish New Year begins).

We have too many new years, for one. Jewish New Year, Chinese New Year, secular new year, new school year, tax season, baseball season, football season, and so many more my head might explode if I try thinking of any more!

My view: As a whole, humanity cannot progress if we continue like this. There are too many languages, too many religions, too many governments, too many beliefs, too many ideals, too many borders, too many stupid people who believe that change means death! Well, hear this: Monotony can kill!

If we just wait around, avoiding change as much as possible, we will die out. We will become extinct, and it will have been because of boredom! Remember that next time you retreat into the safety of your routine.

Until we can unite as a species under a single government and language and without the prejudices of religion, we cannot move forward.

Remember that.



Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell, hardly anyone worries about the new year primarily because of the switch in years. In my opinion, people like to party and get drunk.
Recall that the Romans had about 180 holidays.


The Dark Man said...

Yes, well, it seems like we have 365 1/2 holidays throughout the year--366 on leap years.

Sam said...

Who selects the govenment and the language? I suppose we would need one system of currency, one news source, one TV network, one website, one style and color of clothing for all to wear. I could be wrong about this but I dig a good dose of varity and conflict. Happy New Year!

The Dark Man said...

I sorta agree with you, but the "one news source" and everything that follows that is not my point. Isn't the United States' saying "United we stand, divided we fall"? Well, if we're not united, we can't stand.

Who chooses the gov and language? Well, nobody, really. English is very widely used because the US is a world power. Most likely eventually everybody will switch to one language. It won't be a conscious decision. And whichever government is able to take over the world first will be the government.