Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Happy Hanukkah!

First of all, let me wish all of you a Happy Hanukkah! (Or Chanukah, or however you want to spell it...) It starts at sunset tonight, so all of us Jews get to receive our presents wayyy in advance of Christmas, and over a period of 8 days (so all the gifts don't go to our heads)!

Moreover, Hanukkah doesn't have annoying music that's played everywhere you go from October 31st to December 30th.

But anyway, Happy Holidays to all those who aren't lucky enough to have been born Jewish or sane enough to convert later (and my apologies to any I've offended).

If I ever can get downloading from my site to work, I'll put up the current form of my Chess program so you can take a good and see how great it is. (Really, though, it's not that great, it's just Chess, for cryin' out loud!) Sooner or later I'll work on the AI, but very likely it won't be for a while.

One last thing: You know how all the Operating Systems (you know, Windows, Mac OS _, UNIX, Linux, etc.) are all the same? They're all flat planes with 2-D windows. But that's boring. How about something in 3-D? Check out Project Looking Glass on the Java main site to see a preview of the first 3-D operating system. (I think it's really cool, and since it's open-source, I think I'll see if I could help out in any way)

Until next time, remember: You shouldn't be afraid to try new things. It should be the new things that are afraid of you.


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