Sunday, December 05, 2004


I saw my brother in a play last night. He did very well. And just like any other play or movie, it got my imagination going again. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate today to working on my private projects Chess and the first novel.

As you've seen in my earlier posts, from time to time, I start getting lazy and unwilling to work too hard on my projects. Occasionally I will need to see a good movie or play to juice up my impetus and get me going again. Combined with my recent epiphanies about my life, I think it's a good idea. This is all I really have.

So I'll be working on Chess for a while here on this computer, and later I will move to the other computer (the one not connected to the Internet) and work on my novel.

I hope to finish Chess by June, but the novel may take a few more years. Plus, I don't plan to publish it immediately, either. I'm going to let it sit (while, of course, I write the rest) and then later I will reopen it and read it and make any last-minute changes before I submit it for review.

(This does seem like an awful lot of planning ahead for someone who so advocates procrastination, doesn't it?)

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do.

Until next time, remember: Always write down ideas the moment you dream them up, even if you're not a writer, because a good idea will reward you for your moment of inspiration, if you wrote it down.


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