Monday, December 13, 2004

Just some Strange Thoughts

I sneezed today, and it got me thinking on allergies. I said to myself, "What would happen if a person were allergic to sneezes?"

I believe the answer is that they would sneeze repeatedly, until they go unconscious or their heart stops.

Secondly, I was reading a book called Hyperspace, by Michio Kaku, and I was thinking about a tesseract (a regular polygon of 4 dimensions). I thought about a cube, the regular 3-d polygon, and wondered how to find the area of a tesseract. (That was easy; it's w*x*y*z). Then I wondered how one could find the [I don't know what to call it] of a 4-d spherical object. I'm still trying to figure out why the volume of a sphere is 4/3 (Pi) r*r, and not something like 2.

Anyway, I know this much: a Cube, 3-d. On each side is a square, 2-d. On each side of that square is a line, 1-d. At each point on that line is a point, 0-d.
Therefore: a tesseract, 4-d. On each side of the tesseract is a cube, 3-d. And so on...

That's all for today. I welcome your comments

Until next time, remember: Fun has infinite dimensions.


1 comment:

The Dark Man said...

right...oops. Anyway, I was mostly referring to the 4/3.

But they would still probably die if exposed to a sneeze, right?