Monday, November 29, 2004

Monday Slumday

Well, it seems I made it through another Monday alive.

One thing, though: I was in Italian class today, and there's one word that I keep forgetting, so I have to look it up every time I see it. The word is sperare and it means "to hope". So I can quite literally say that "hope" is not in my vocabulary.

Chess, however, is another story. I've made significant progress on the loading section of the game, but it's still not fully functional yet. I suppose I could work on that today, but I might not. I'm not feeling particularly inspired today.

Here's a little word puzzle for you today.

Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D.

The answer: 3 degrees above freezing.

So, until next time, remember: Everything we do is a function of t, where t=time, and "do"="procrastinate".


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