Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Wednesday down, still more to go

Well, now, I suppose I should actually write something meaningful in this space...

I'm feeling much better today, and I might actually get some work done on...something. I don't plan on working on Chess today, but maybe something else.

The election is over, Kerry lost, :P. All I have to say is that Bush's reelection is the precursor to the fall of American civilization. Now before anyone (a Republican?) argues with me about that, allow me to say that electing Kerry would only have delayed the inevitable for a few years. I don't know exactly when the end will come, but I strongly believe it will.

I just hope they don't draft me. I'll leave the country to avoid serving if I don't believe in the cause.

Prediction for Bush term 2 (would it technically be 3?): War in another country, Middle East, mid-2005. More amendments to take away people's rights. [If you haven't been able to tell by now, I'm a Democrat.]

I feel really bad about voicing all my concerns like this, but what else is a blog for?

In other news, it's time to abandon all rational thought. I'm going away for a few days, and you'll have to entertain yourself by rereading this post over and over again. (or just wait till I return.) You'll hear from me when I get back.


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