Friday, November 12, 2004

Unfortunate Circumstances

I've lost faith in most of mankind. I just finished reading a few articles on how Kerry and the Democrats are horribly anti-Semitic, and how Bush is good for the Jewish people and Israel. It disheartens me to learn that the party I had placed my hope in is so actively against me.

I will now retract what I said about Bush on Wednesday the 3rd, because it seems that Kerry fits the description more accurately. Now I don't know how to vote in the next presidential election, and I don't know how to decide, but now I'm in a quandary:

Democrats are anti-Semitic. Catholics (who voted mostly for Bush because of moral issues) don't care for the Jews.

(If you haven't guessed by now, I'm Jewish.)

I'm always afraid that something will happen to us--like a Holocaust sponsored by the US government, especially after that glorious anti-Semitic Mel Gibson movie came out (and all the Catholics watched it religiously, even sending their kids to see it through the schools).


Despite how many Jew-haters there are, despite the fact that they outnumber the two-hundredths of a percent of Americans that are Jewish, life goes on.

And I must continue with Chess.

Sorry for dragging you all through today's dirt. I'm just feeling particularly down today.

Oh yeah, I just read a great quote from Stephen King's "The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower":

"When I die, I want to go peacefully, in my sleep, like Grandpa Fred. Not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

Till next time, remember: ...ah, forget it.


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