Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Not too good

What a bad day. Got one helluva headache several hours ago and I still have it.

I just can't really think straight right now.

I might not get any work done on Chess today, certainly not my novel. Can't get onto my music site...I'll try tomorrow.

2 is my new unlucky number.

Not to mention, of course, the freaking election. Make no mistake, choosing one candidate over the other will very likely lead to either a collapse of American society, or the destruction of the entire world.

Did you know it was the Romans' taxing system that caused them to fall? The poor class couldn't pay their taxes, the upper class were too snobby to do so, and so the middle class got the brunt of the taxation. And so...did Rome fall. (I wonder if Rome fell in a day...)

Nothing else new...I suppose eventually I'll make a new website...but a while later.


I'm gonna go insert a counter here...cause I want to see how many people actually put up with my ramblings.

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